Am very excited about the role women play in the society these days. Looking back at when women were economically dependent on their husbands, know for the kitchen, some even referred to women as baby making machines. Am really proud of women because they have the gift of making something out of nothing, give them a house and they will make a home. Women have always been strong, maybe not physically but mentally. Today i see women doing big things, this is amazing. The emergence of education and career opportunities has made women more obvious in the society. Women have made their way into top and influential positions, isn't that great. Women now have control over their personal, social and economic lives. Women have become more active in the society and in the work force. Below are some of the powerful women in business. Every time they pop up on the news, i know its possible. See them after the cut
On the right is Mary Bara CEO Ford Motors. Top right is Ginni Rometty CEO of IBM. And bottom left is Indra Noonyi CEO Pepsi Co. We can go on and on about the number of powerful women in business, who have risen from the bottom to the top. Not to leave the entrepreneurs who i believe are the strongest of them all, building a business from bottom to top. When i look at influential women in different sectors of the economy be it business, entertainment , sports etc They remind me that its possible and for those of us who aspire to do big things, WE ALL CAN DO IT!
Thanks eby for the words of encouragement.. My dream is to be influential in the be a great woman and with people like you around am sure we will make it