Thursday 5 November 2015

Where do broken hearts go?

Where do broken hearts go? Some crawl right back into their shell, where they feel safe and protected. where they can nurture the pain, where they can heal fast without being noticed. where the memories of the past will be erased with time.

Where do broken hearts go? Some wander into the desert, lost and confused. Sinking in the sand every move they make, sad, hurt and drained of all their energy. Without a clue of how they got there, without a clue of what to do next. Walking and sinking, hoping someday someone comes to their rescue.

Where do broken hearts go. Some are too scared they build a wall. A wall so tall and thick every body else but them can see it. They don't know its there, but they spend the rest of their lives walking on egg shells.

Where do broken hearts go? Some get up dust their shirt and go right back into the field. They are willing to try again because they understand that love is a battle field. They are so brave and they know they are not getting what they want without a fight.

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