Wednesday 11 November 2015

Broken Crayons still colour.....

Ever heard that phrase before? "Broken Crayons still colour" Am sure! I came across a picture that had that phrase on it and I stopped and pondered on it for a little while. What a powerful phrase! what a soothing phrase! what a healer! Thinking about it just melts my heart. And it opened me up to more possibilities. That Phrase reeks of hope and it gave life a meaning again. My point is your stronger than you think, you just don't know it, because there is still room for you to be weak. Your still beautiful, you can still live your dreams, you are going to be well again, your going to find love again. Broken but still beautiful, broken but still strong, broken but still can colour. Early this year I met this amazing little girl at a friends daughters birthday party, she came to me and wanted me to help her with her colouring book, apparently most of her crayons were broken, it was uncomfortable I couldn't use it but this little girl could colour with it, because she understood that her crayons were broken but they still worked, they still coloured, something I couldn't understand. Don't worry about how many times you've been rejected, or how many times you've been laughed at. Its only your Ego that is broken, your soul is still in tact and waiting to make your life colourful. Just like a broken Crayon, the painting may not be perfect, you may struggle trying to align the blunt Crayon to the edges of the drawing, but as you keep colouring, the edges get sharper and soon you can align the edges of your painting. Broken by some situation, but there is someone out there waiting to be coloured by you, by your smile, by your presence or even your ideas. There's no perfect situation in life, don't wait for that perfect timing, it may never come. With your head up and your shoulders high, paint yourself with those little pieces you taught of discarding.


  1. Nice one.......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Currently I'm trying to think of words to replace "crayons" and "colour" to make it refer to humans.
    All I can think of is "Broken people still ________". Does anybody have any ideas as to what could be put in the blank?
