Sunday, 25 October 2015

Its never too late to go back to being you

Its never too late to be who you were created to be, if you haven't discovered who you were created to be, its never too late to be who you want to be. Sit for a minute and reminisce on who you wanted to when you were 5 years old, a princess, superman, the president ...... name it . At that age we were all young, innocent and free. we didn't think of all the reasons why we cant be who we want to be, but we still had those dreams anyway. At the age of 10 some of those dreams started to changed, things started to shift and the picture became clearer.  Even as we grew into adolescence those dreams changed again. At every stage of our lives we wanted to be something different. Growing into adult age one of the two happens, its either we actualize our dreams or we settle for what ever life throws at us. Its never too late to be who you wanted to be at 5, 10 or even now. Its never too late to get that education, its never too late to loose that weight, its never too late to start that business, its never too late to write that book .......its never too late to go back to being you. If that dream still wakes you up in the middle of the night then you probably should get up and go for it. There's no need being someone else when you know who you want to be.
I saw this video of an 80 year old woman who quit on her dreams many years ago and got married, so many years after she lost her husband she still had the passion to dance and she went back to take dance classes and this lead to a whole new life for her. That video inspired this topic because considering her age and dancing, I couldn't imagine a woman of her age doing all that. But you know you can never be too young or too old for who you want to be. Something changed her focus along the way, but when it was time she knew it was time and she hurried back to it. What you want to be might not earn you the kind of money you want, but one thing am sure it gurantees is fulfillment. what is life with fulfillment? the answer is NOTHING.

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