Great things happen beyond your comfort zone. Leaving your comfort zone can be hard and I know this for sure. This made me defer furthering my education twice because I was too scared to leave my comfort zone. We are always waiting for the right time to do things but there's never really a right time for anything. We all have been at this stage at some point in our lives and some still are. With all the uncertainties out there leaving your comfort zone can be a very huge step to make. Your comfort zone is where you feel safe, where you are and no body can notice all the things going wrong in your life, except you. Leaving your comfort zone might be the key to unlocking the hidden treasures out there, waiting to be discovered. Leaving your comfort zone can help you discover your self, it can put you under pressure, and this can be the birth of a new talent , skill, music, career, business idea and more. I found an article on three steps to successfully get out of your comfort zone. Find it attached below
1. Rediscover your motivation. We all have a grand vision of who we want to be and what we want to achieve. It is this vision that pushes us forward, gives us courage to take risks, and makes us strong during difficult times.
The motivation we get from our vision has taken us this far, but the feeling lost some of its strength in the way. We became comfortable and settled for whats good instead of pushing for greatness.
We need our vision to be strong again. Go ahead, dream once more, revisit your grand vision, remember the person you want to be, the things you want to achieve, and the people you want to be around. By going back to your vision you’ll find the drive and passion to take the first step out of your comfort zone.
2. Manage risk. We resist leaving our comfort zone because there are
risks involved. Things might go wrong and we are afraid of the negative “what ifs”. To overcome this fear and minimize potential problems we are going to identify and manage these risks.
First, find out what are the real risks. What are the worst case scenarios of taking a small step out of your comfort zone? Once you know this, spend some time thinking of ways you could minimize them. Many times we can take some preventive measure that would significantly reduce our risk. Finally, prepare a contingency plan in case the worst case scenarios indeed happen. In other words, have an action plan in case things do go wrong.
This three step risk management strategy -Identify, minimize, prepare- will help you reduce the anxiety of taking action.
3. Start small and correct as you go. There is magic in taking the first step, even if it’s a small step. It’s time you stop thinking about leaving your comfort zone and start doing it.
We tend to wait until we are certain before we take action. Some of us fall into the category of Eternal planners, we won’t make a move until we have thought out every possibility. It’s very unlikely that we will ever finish this perfect plan so we end up never making a move.
You don’t need to know every detail, you can always course correct after you’ve taken action. It is more valuable to be in motion, pushing forward, making mistakes and then course correcting than to stand in the sidelines motionless. This is what high achiever do, they get started even if they aren’t entirely prepared and make corrections as they go. What they don’t accept is not trying.
Every time we chose safety we reinforce fear and make it harder to leave our comfort zone. But if we do take those small calculated risks and succeed, it becomes easier to keep doing it. One success leads to another. Take that small first step then, don’t worry, we already identified the risks and prepared for the worst case scenario.
Source: www.pickthebrain.com